Hacks To Get Soda Stains Off Your Carpet

How to Get Soda Stains Off Your Carpet

I’ve developed this guide out of experience, experiment, and reading.

In this guide, you’ll find information on:

  • My journey dealing with carpet stains
  • How you can clean soda from your carpet
  • How you can remove all kinds of colored soda stains from the carpet
  • What all ingredients, products, and home remedies you’ll need for the cleaning
  • The most pressing questions my neighbors ask me (they know I’m a cleaning ninja)

My troubles with house parties (and carpet stains)

I am not a fan of house parties. More often than not they end with spills and stains on my carpets. My precious carpets are worth several hundreds of dollars.

And soda spills are the worst.

The sticky, sugary syrup soon becomes an ant attraction.

And don’t get me started about the ugly stains that the spill leaves.

My days after the party, back in the day, used to be all about trying to remove the coke from the carpet.

And Googling “how to clean soda out of carpet?

Over the years I have tried several DIY hacks.

And spent money on more than one carpet cleaning and stain removal product.

Some of them worked. Others left my carpet worse than I started.

But I’ve learned my lessons now.

My kids yelling, “Mom! spilled soda on the carpet!” doesn’t give me a mini-heart attack anymore.

I know what to do and the results are better when I act fast.

Got a soda spill too?

Here’s a roundup of the most successful (read: fail-proof) ways to get soda stains off your carpets.

Read on and start cleaning soon afterward. (Speed is the key to success here.)

How to clean a soda spill on the carpet?

Start by blotting up as much of the spill as possible.

Use: Folded paper; Clean, white towels; Paper towels; or Colorfast clothes.

Don’t: Scrub or rub. That will force the soda deeper into the carpet.

Keep changing the towel or cloth when it gets soaked. And press and hold it down with the heel of your palm to soak up every last bit of liquid on your carpet.

Got soda off your carpet? Congratulations, step 1 is done. But don’t relax too soon. The spill is gone, but chances are the stains are still there.

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How to remove soda stains from the carpet?

Some tried and tested ways to bid coke and clear soda stains adieu and keep your carpet looking like new:

White Vinegar + Liquid Dish Soap

 This acidic, soapy solution packs a powerful punch for cleaning stains and removing any residual soda from your carpet.

  1. Take a cup of lukewarm water, add one teaspoon of white vinegar and liquid dish soap each.
  2. Dab the solution on the stain.
  3. Wait for 15 minutes before dabbing the stain dry with a clean white cloth.
  4. If you still see the stain, mix one part of vinegar in two parts of warm water and keep a clean cloth dipped in the solution on the stain. Place a heavy object over the stain.
  5. Leave it for another 15 minutes before wiping the area dry with another clean cloth.

Always remember: Work from the outer edges of the stain to its center. Or else you’ll risk mistakenly spreading the stain further.

Don’t have white vinegar handy?

Some other options for you:

  • Mix a teaspoon of dish wash liquid in a liter of warm water. Use a sponge to gently wet the carpet fibers. The blot with a clean, absorbent cloth.
  • If you have a stain remover or spot treating chemical, spray it directly on the carpet. Then wipe it multiple times in one direction. Repeat the spray and wipe process in the other direction. Tannin stain removers also work fine. Read the use instructions on the package and proceed accordingly.
  • Mix cloudy ammonia with cold water in a 1:15 ratio. Apply to the stain and blot.

How to clean colored soda stains from carpets?

Red, blue, orange, purple… sodas come in several colors and flavors.

And these differently colored sodas need to be cleaned with different methods.

Removing orange soda stains

If you have an orange soda stain (think Fanta), club soda will be your savior. Its minerals and carbonation team up to get your carpet looking clean and stain-free.

  1. Pour club soda directly on the stain.
  2. Wait for a couple of minutes.
  3. Blot the area dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.
  4. Check: Does the stain still stand?
  5. Repeat the club soda treatment again.
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Doesn’t seem to be working?

Pour a small amount of lemon juice over the stain. Wait for a few minutes. And then rinse the area with cold water by dabbing a clean cloth over the area.

Removing red soda stains

Crimson stains are usually of the stubborn kind. But hope is not lost.

Using hydrogen peroxide

Pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain, wait for 15 minutes, and blot. However, you’d want to first do a patch test to check if hydrogen peroxide lightens your carpet or not.

Using ammonia

Mix ammonia and hot water half and half in a spray bottle.

Coat the stain at least once. Preferably two or three times.

Cover the stain with a clean white cloth.

Go over the cloth with an iron set on the highest setting.

You might have to repeat it 4 or 5 times to ensure the stain transfers completely. Don’t forget to patch test the process first.

Warning: Don’t mix ammonia with any other cleaning product or ingredient. It can create dangerous fumes.

Removing blue soda stains

Grape and blue beverage dyes are definitely tougher to clean from carpets.

Here’s how to get grape soda out of the carpet:

Start with the club soda and lemon juice treatment as discussed before.

If none of that works, here’s what you can do:

  • Apply a little lemon juice to the stain and brush it with a soft scrub or brush.
  • Blot the lemon juice.
  • Treat the stain with white vinegar and blot it after 2 to 3 minutes.

The Last Step: Speed Drying

Has the stain gone? Great. Now speed dry the area to avoid water-marks.

Place a folded beach towel on the stain and press it down with a heavy object. Or use a pedestal fan to dry the area.

Then vacuum the carpet to restore it to its natural form.  

Removing soda stains from carpets: FAQs

1.  Does diet coke stain carpets?

Diet coke might leave you with lesser calories than the regular, but it stains carpet as much as anything else. However, the steps mentioned above work to defeat diet coke stains from carpets too.

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 2.  What can I do about dried soda stains?

Cleaning a fresh spill and its stain is simpler. Dried stains take more effort and multiple repeats of the cleaning processes mentioned above. But with a little extra effort, you can get rid of them too.

 3.  How do I get soda and soda stains off my car’s carpet?

Don’t worry about the stains, basic vinegar and dish wash liquid cleaning methods would work just fine to remove stains of spilled soda from your car carpet.

Blot the spill → Pour the solution over the stain → Blot again. You can also scrub the solution over the stain with a soft bristle brush.

4.  Do soda spills on carpet cause mold growth? How to avoid that?

If your carpet isn’t dried well, the wet areas will soon turn into moldy spots. The simplest way to avoid that is to keep your carpet dry. In case of soda spills, make sure the liquid is blotted completely. And after cleaning, ensure cleaning products don’t remain on your carpet.

5.  I’ve cleaned the soda spill and the stain is gone. But my carpet smells. What can I do?

If you notice the smell of soda or the smell of a cleaning product that you used on your carpet, grab baking soda to fix that. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet. Leave it overnight and vacuum the next morning. Tada! Your carpet is smell-free now.

6.  When to contact experts?

If you have silk or wool carpets or the stain is too old, it is best to call the experts. Trying DIY hacks and cleaning agents on your own might spoil your carpet more and leave it beyond repair.

Where there is soda, spills are a given. But now you don’t have to be scared of soda stains on your carpet. You can enjoy your drink stress-free. Cheers!