Plants that Repel Bugs, Flies, Mosquito, Ticks, and Wasps – Must-Haves in Every Household

Plants that repel bugs, flies, mosquito, ticks, and wasps

If you have plants that keep bugs away in the house, you will be able to tackle insect infestation in your premises in a natural manner. 

Using commercial bug sprays and insecticides around the house is no doubt an effective way of keeping insects and pests away.

However, it laces the surfaces with chemicals over time and could harm pets and children. It could also cause skin allergies if you come in contact with them or cause breathing issues if accidentally inhaled. 

List of 18 Plants that Repel Bugs

Here are some plants you can place in and around the house to keep insects at bay.

1. Lavender

If you were wondering whether lavender repels mosquitoes, the answer is yes. And it keeps many other insects away as well. The fragrance of lavender is soothing for humans, but it can as easily repel moths and fleas, along with mosquitoes.

  • Lavender oil, made from the plant’s extract can be sprayed around the house.
  • You can use dried lavender inside your wardrobes to keep bugs away and your clothing fresh.
  • Alternately, you can plant lavender plants in pots and keep them near the window sills and doorways.
  • It is one of the best outdoor fly repellents, as it bars the entry of insects inside the house. 

2. Citronella:

Citronella repels flies, as well as mosquitoes. Citronella is also known as lemongrass in some Asian countries. Citronella oil is a widely used natural insect repellent, which is why scented candles and lotions include them as a key ingredient.

  • You can place citronella plants in flowerpots and keep them at the corners of the house, which harbors flies and mosquitoes.
  • The scent of the plant will keep insects away.
  • You can also apply citronella oil on a bug or mosquito bite for instant relief. 

3. Eucalyptus:

Eucalyptus is one of the plants that keep flies away. It can be placed around the house, or a concoction can be made of eucalyptus oil and aloe vera juice and sprayed around the house.

  • Eucalyptus plants need some maintenance and conditions should be ideal for them to thrive.
  • You need to provide them with the right amount of water and temperature so they are grown enough, and the scent can keep away insects.

4. Marigolds:

Marigolds are known to contain a natural form of pyrethrum, a chemical used extensively in insect repellent. The odor is very distinctive and keeps away almost all kinds of insects. They are not just effective indoors, as farmers also use them to repel nematodes.

  • If you have a garden patch at home, plant some marigolds around your tomatoes.
  • Marigolds release a compound called limonene that can keep away whiteflies that may ruin tomato crops.
  • What’s more, the bright yellow and orange flowers will add a dash of brightness to your rooms and garden. 
Plants that Repel Bugs, Flies, Mosquito, Ticks, and Wasps

5. Chrysanthemums:

Chrysanthemums rank high among plants that keep spiders away along with a host of other insects like cockroaches, fleas, and ticks. This is why their extracts are often used in room sprays.

  • This amazing and soothing plant also contains pyrethrum, which is why they can kill any jumping or flying insects.
  • Having the plants in the house will add to your indoor décor as well when the flowers bloom in season. 
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6. Lantanas:

Common Lantanas are one of the most effective plants to deter mosquitoes. Planting lantana plants in and around the house will yield almost immediate results, as mosquitoes seem to stop bothering you almost overnight.

  • The plants grow best in a tropical climate, and that is the kind of climate that mosquitoes thrive in.
  • Chances of mosquito-borne diseases will go down considerably if you have them in your house.
  • Just keep your pets away as the leaves can cause allergies in them. You can also hang out of reach for this reason. 

7. Geranium:

Geranium flowers are very pretty to look at and it can keep away a variety of insects. Many commercial sprays and bug repellants contain their extract.

  • You can use flower pots to keep geraniums in every room and you will find bugs, fleas, and flies disappearing within a week or so.
  • They are also easy to look after and grow fast.
  • They can survive the dry seasons well and keep away crawling insects like snails and slugs away as well. 

8. Tansy:

Tansy is one of the best flea repelling plants and it is also effective on a wide range of other insects like flies, mosquitoes, bugs, moths, and beetles. The plant can grow very tall, up to three to four feet.

  • You should keep it in a large corner of the house or on the balcony.
  • The plant also requires a considerable amount of maintenance, but it is absolutely worth it considering its benefits.
  •  You can also plant them in your garden if you have a cucumber patch or squash patch. 

9. Floss Flowers:

This is another plant that keeps mosquitoes away. It is a powerful repellent, releasing a strong chemical compound known as coumarin and insects cannot withstand it.

  • The flowers also lend a very cheerful look to your room or garden, because they bloom in multiple colors like blue, pink, and white.
  • Summer to autumn is the best time for growing them.
  • All you need is some fertile soil in your pot or garden to help them thrive. 

10. Mint:

Mint is a very popular herb in the kitchen because it can be added to different beverages and food items. But few know that it is also a powerful insect repellent.

  • The fresh fragrance of mint is a great natural room freshener, and the minty smell keeps away mosquitoes and flies.
  • It is best to plant them in pots rather than in the garden because it can spread aggressively on the ground and take over the patch.
  • However, placing them in pots in the garden will keep pests away from your other plants. 
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11. Basil:

Basil is a powerful herb, and it is known to have many medicinal properties, apart from being a powerful insect repellant. You can make a powerful home bug repellant with basil juice or simply place them around the house.

  • It is especially effective in keeping away stinging bugs.
  • Moreover, it is easy and inexpensive to grow them.
  • It also purifies the air by removing toxins, so it is beneficial to keep them in the house if there is someone with breathing issues. 

12. Lemon Thyme:

: If you are looking for wasp repellent plants, then this should be your choice. This plant can thrive in almost all kinds of climates and almost any kind of soil. All it needs is sufficient sunlight, so keep the pots near a window.

  • While the plant itself can keep away wasps and mosquitoes, to make them more effective, you need to crush a few leaves in the palms of your hands.
  • Then, you can spread them in the corners of the house.
  • The natural chemicals released from the crushed leaves will start showing results in a matter of days. 

13. Rosemary:

Rosemary plant repels ticks and other insects. Another favorite kitchen herb, it can keep flies and mosquitoes away with its pungent smell.

  • It can also keep away larger insects like moths and beetles.
  • Rosemary can withstand hot and dry weather, and so it is fairly easy to grow them.
  • You can also shape them into ornamental pyramids in your flower pots as they grow, adding beauty and charm to your rooms. 

14. Sage:

Sage is one of the best anti-mosquito plants. They have a powerful odor that almost none of the insects can stand. Burning some sage leaves in a small pot and diffusing the smoke throughout the room is a great way to bring out insects hiding in the corners.

  • You can use this method if your home is closed for a long time, as insects tend to thrive in dark places.
  • Additionally, you can plant sage plants in the corners before you leave, and that will significantly reduce the chances of an insect infestation while you are away.
  •  It is a perennial plant, so you can grow them in all kinds of climates. 

15. Bay Leaves:

Bay Leaves are an essential ingredient in most cuisines, but they are also a very powerful insect repellent. You ca n plant a bay leaf plant in your garden, and use the leaves from time to time inside the house.

  • Allow the leaves to stay in the sun for a couple of days, and once they are dry, you can crush them spread in areas that are frequented by roaches, ants, and fleas.
  • They will be gone almost immediately. Put some in the trash can and roaches will not creep into them.
  • There is no need to use chemical disinfectants in your kitchen and risk contaminating your food as you try to keep it free from pests. 
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16. Parsley:

This herb has a lot of health benefits, and in addition, can keep several insects away. However, it works in a unique manner.

  • It actually attracts predator bugs, which in turn feeds on other insects and insect larva.
  • It is a great wasp repellent plant, so farmers use it in their fields and vegetable patches to attract wasps, which in turn kills hornworms that can ruin the harvest. 

17. Venus Flytrap:

If you want to get adventurous with your plants, and you want to plant something rare and exotic in your house, then you can plant the Venus Flytrap. It is one of the most well-known carnivorous plants.

  • The plant actually feeds on small insects like flies and spiders as they are trapped in the sticky part of the plants.
  • The leaves close around them, and the plant releases digestive juices, killing and digesting the insect within.
  • The process of digestion can take up to three to seven days.
  • Then, the leaves open again, waiting for the next prey.
  • The plant needs acidic soil to grow, with moderate sunlight. 

18. Pitcher Plant:

The Pitcher Plant is also a well known carnivorous plant, and will lend an exotic touch to your plant collection. This plant also feeds on insects to survive. The plant lures insects into its U-shaped pitcher by releasing a nectar-like substance, which is sweet-smelling and bright in color.

  • The insects move inside the picture to suck the nectar and the pitcher closes on top, trapping the insect inside.
  • The lines of the pitcher are slippery and full of downward-facing hair-like protrusions, making it difficult for them to climb up and out.
  • Eventually, they fall into the watery substance in the bottom of the pitcher, which is a combination of digestive juices.
  • Mosquitoes, wasps, flies, beetles, and all kinds of ticks, as well as larger insects like bees, beetles, and slugs, can prey to this plant, and you can have a pest-free home.
  • The plant just needs enough water and some sunlight to survive. 

Go ahead and bring in some of these plants inside your home. You will notice a drastic reduction in the number of pests and insects in your house, making your home safe for yourself and the family.

They will add greenery, freshness, and fragrance in the process, making everyone marvel at your knowledge of plants and splendid gardening skills.